平時我自己上網搜尋資料就還蠻喜歡看 [106美國暢銷兒童軟體] Interactive Learning: Daily Sentence Editing (Gr. 3)
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[106美國暢銷兒童軟體] Interactive Learning: Daily Sentence Editing (Gr. 3)
[106美國暢銷兒童軟體] Interactive Learning: Daily Sentence Editing (Gr. 3)
8-1/2 in x 11 in
Use these fully interactive products to teach students important skills in grammar, punctuation, and spelling. The self-correcting activities work on ALL brands of interactive whiteboards. The activities are fun, but they aren't gimmicks; they're based on standards and benchmarks. The product comes with 180 sentences that need to be edited. And if that's not enough, the program allows thousands of custom sentences and paragraphs to be created and saved! Using the whiteboard, students can make (and undo) corrections. They can click to see where the errors are—without revealing the corrections. They can also click to see the correct answers. The PC/Mac CD provides ready-to-use lessons. The book format makes it easy for teachers to see the entire scope of the product at a glance. Pages from the book can be copied and assigned as individual work.
Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 11 x 0.2 inches
Shipping Weight: 10.4 ounces
ASIN: B004K4O792
Item model number: TCR3885
[106美國暢銷兒童軟體] Interactive Learning: Daily Sentence Editing (Gr. 3)
相關 [106美國暢銷兒童軟體] Interactive Learning: Daily Sentence Editing (Gr. 3)
2017-11-12 17:51
〔即時新聞/綜合報導〕南韓前總統李明博週日(12日)對主管機管針對其任內涉嫌政治干預進行調查,質疑這是由「宿怨」驅使的「政治報復」。《韓聯社》報導,南韓國家情報院、軍事情報和網路作戰單位,因被指控在李明博執政期間,違反中立原則動員網路部隊操縱輿論,正接受調查。這些調查是因文在寅政府誓言要掃除「積累的弊病」,而進行大刀闊斧的改革。保守派則認為這是「政治報復」。週日,李明博前往巴林展開4天訪問前,告訴媒體這些調查會分化社會,阻礙國家安全和經濟增長,「我是對新政府有點期待的人之一,但在看到掃除『累積弊病』行動後,開始懷疑這是否真的是改革,還是宣洩情緒的表達,或是政治報復」。南韓前國防部長金寬鎮11日被當局逮捕,他被指以網路司令部操縱網路並影響輿論,支持李明博的保守派政府。外界猜測,李明博可能也直接或間接參與此案。針對李明博出訪巴林,輿論也公開呼籲當局應阻止他離開南韓,直到調查結束。截至週日上午,約有7萬人民眾在網路連署,呼籲當局應下達旅遊禁令。 [106美國暢銷兒童軟體] Interactive Learning: Daily Sentence Editing (Gr. 3)