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【現貨+預訂】蘋果 APPLE iPad Pro 10.5 平板(256G)(WIFI 版)2017
【現貨+預訂】蘋果 APPLE iPad Pro 10.5 平板(256G)(WIFI 版)2017

【現貨+預訂】蘋果 APPLE iPad Pro 10.5 平板(256G)(WIFI 版)2017

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請問大家知唔知intel 同 amd 這兩間公司 由一開始最舊個隻至到而家最新個隻cpu個名/型號 想知得詳盡d @.@
太長了. 圖片參考:http://hk.yimg.com/i/icon/16/26.gif List of Intel microprocessors 1 The 4-bit processors 1.1 Intel 4004: first single-chip microprocessor 1.2 4040 2 The 8-bit processors 2.1 8008 2.2 8080 2.3 8085 3 The bit-slice processor 3.1 3000 Family 4 Signal Processor 4.1 2900 Family 5 Digital Clocks Processor 5.1 5000 Family 6 Old Memory 6.1 1xxx Family 6.2 2xxx Family 6.3 3xxx Family 6.4 7xxx Family 7 The 16-bit processors: origin of x86 7.1 8086 7.2 8088 7.3 80186 7.4 80188 7.5 80286 8 32-bit processors: the non-x86 microprocessors 8.1 iAPX 432 8.2 i960 aka 80960 8.3 i860 aka 80860 8.4 XScale 9 32-bit processors: the 80386 range 9.1 80386DX 9.2 80386SX 9.3 80376 9.4 80386SL 9.5 80386EX 10 32-bit processors: the 80486 range 10.1 80486DX 10.2 80486SX 10.3 80486DX2 10.4 80486SL 10.5 80486DX4 11 32-bit processors: the Pentium ("I") 11.1 Pentium ("Classic") 11.2 Pentium MMX 12 32-bit processors: P6/Pentium M microarchitecture 12.1 Pentium Pro 12.2 Pentium II 12.3 Celeron (Pentium II-based) 12.4 Pentium III 12.5 Pentium II and III Xeon 12.6 Celeron (Pentium III Coppermine-based) 12.7 Celeron (Pentium III Tualatin-based) 12.8 Pentium M 12.9 Celeron M 12.10 Intel Core 12.11 Dual-Core Xeon LV 12.12 Intel Pentium Dual-Core 13 32-bit processors: NetBurst microarchitecture 13.1 Pentium 4 13.2 Xeon 13.3 Mobile Pentium 4-M 13.4 Pentium 4 EE 13.5 Pentium 4E 13.6 Pentium 4F 14 64-bit processors: IA-64 14.1 Itanium 14.2 Itanium 2 15 64-bit processors: Intel64 - NetBurst 15.1 Pentium 4F, D0 and later steppings 15.2 Pentium D 15.3 Pentium Extreme Edition 15.4 Xeon 16 64-bit processors: Intel64 - Intel Core microarchitecture 16.1 Xeon 16.2 Intel Core 2 17 Detailed x86 architecture microprocessor lists 18 Intel 805xx product codes 19 See also 20 References 21 External links http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Intel_microprocessors List of AMD microprocessors 1 AMD-originated architectures 1.1 Am2900 series (1975) 1.2 29000 (29K) (1987–95) 2 x86 architecture processors 2.1 2nd source (1979–91) 2.2 Amx86 series (1991–95) 2.3 K5 series (1995) 2.4 K6 series (1997–2001) 2.5 K7 series (1999–2005) 2.6 K8 series (2003–) 2.7 K9 series 2.8 K10 series 3 Detailed μP release lists 4 See also
吾点题!!!|||||這是intel多年內CPU 桌上型用CPU Intel 4004 Intel 4040 Intel 8086 Intel 8088 80286 80386 80486 奔騰(Pentium) Pentium Pro Pentium II 賽揚(Celeron) 奔騰III(Pentium III) 奔騰4 (Pentium 4) 奔騰4極致版(Pentium 4 Extreme Edition) 賽揚D(Celeron D) 奔騰D(Pentium D) Pentium Extreme Edition Intel Core Duo Intel Core 2 Duo Intel Core 2 Extreme Intel Core 2 Quad Yellow is NEW CPU 筆記型電腦用CPU Pentium III Mobile Pentium 4 Mobile 區別於機動版Pentium 4 奔騰M(Pentium M) 賽揚M(Celeron M) 酷睿雙核 (Intel Core Duo) 酷睿2雙核 (Intel Core 2 Duo) 酷睿單核(Intel Core Solo) 伺服器用CPU 奔騰II至強(Pentium II Xeon) 奔騰III至強(Pentium III Xeon) 至強(Xeon) 安騰(Itanium) 安騰2(Itanium 2) AMD 的CPU 8086 80280 80386 Am486 Athlon 64 x2 Athlon 64 FX Sempron Turion 64 Turion 64 x2 Opteron Geode
【現貨+預訂】蘋果 APPLE iPad Pro 10.5 平板(256G)(WIFI 版)2017