
Roomba 700系列 吸塵器

Roomba 880 條型馬: 885155004710
Roomba 可提供英語、法語、德語、西班牙語、義大利語、荷蘭語、丹麥語、瑞典語、挪威語、芬蘭語、波蘭語、俄語、葡萄牙語、日語、韓語和漢語的故障診斷消息。
Roomba 的預設語言是英語。要更改預設語言:
從充電基座上取下 Roomba。
按 CLEAN 鍵啟動 Roomba,
重複按CLEAN鍵數次,直至聽到 長按 CLEAN 鍵關閉Roomba並
您要選擇的語言 確認您的語言選擇。
Roomba 800系列所採用的AeroForce系統,是對清掃系統進行了徹底的革新。AeroForce系統由三個組成部分:2把防纏繞膠刷、新的氣流加速器、以及裝備新的高效吸塵馬達的灰槽。
根據iRobot 官網的測試:AeroForce系統比之前的清掃結構可多清除掉達50%的髒汙;AeroForce系統的吸塵器功率更大,但由於AeroForce的膠刷使得工作時的噪音顯著低於之前的清掃結構。
'Roomba家族迎來了最新成員——清潔機器人Roomba 880。iRobot公司稱,Roomba 880的清除雜物效率比上一款提高了近50%。
Roomba 880與“前任”最大的不同在於它採用了強力吸塵器的方式打掃房間,而不像之前的產品採用毛刷的方式。iRobot將這種強力吸塵技術稱為“AeroForce”
iRobot公司XLife ?電池:XLife電池可提供兩倍的清洗週期,以前的Roomba的電池,雙倍之前,你可能需要更換您的Roomba的電池時間* 。
相容選擇現有附件:公司的Roomba 880是與現有的Roomba虛擬牆壁壘,虛擬牆燈塔和遙控器相容。
發現灰塵和碎片:汙物檢測系列2 ,倫巴採用了光學和聲學感測器來尋找灰塵和進行集中清理。
不會摔下樓梯:克裡夫- 檢測感測器允許的Roomba避免樓梯等陡坡。
Roomba家族迎來了最新成員——清潔機器人Roomba 880。iRobot公司稱,Roomba 880的清除雜物效率比上一款提高了近50%。
Roomba 880與“前任”最大的不同在於它採用了強力吸塵器的方式打掃房間,而不像之前的產品採用毛刷的方式。iRobot將這種強力吸塵技術稱為“AeroForce”
NEW! IROBOT ROOMBA? 880 FULL SPECIFICATIONS The AeroForce Performance Cleaning System
AeroForce uses three technologies to deliver the ideal balance of vacuum suction and debris extraction. Ideal for homes with pets and allergy sufferers, Roomba 880 traps dirt, particulates and allergens into a sealed, HEPA-filtered bin. Here's how AeroForce works:
Tangle-Free Debris Extractors: Dual counter-rotating extractors grab and break down dirt and debris from any floor type with no hair tangles for you. Airflow Accelerator: Creates a sealed channel that concentrates airflow, drawing in more debris.
High-Efficiency Vacuum: Provides a 5X improvement in air power than previous Roomba generations.
Roomba automatically adjusts between floor types to clean carpets, tile, hardwood and laminate floors. The spinning side brush cleans dirt from wall edges.
Effortless Cleaning
Dirt happens every day. Keeping up with it just got easier.
Docks And Recharges: Roomba returns to its Home Base? to dock and recharge.
Cleans On Schedule: Roomba can be preset up to seven times per week.
XLife Battery: XLife Battery delivers twice as many cleaning cycles as previous Roomba batteries, doubling the time before you may need to replace your Roomba battery.*
Vacuums From Room-To-Room: The Virtual Wall? Lighthouse? contains Roomba in one room until it is completely vacuumed then directs Roomba to clean the next room. Can also block off-limit areas.
Compatible With Select Existing Accessories: Roomba 880 is compatible with existing Roomba Virtual Wall barriers, Virtual Wall Lighthouses and Remote Controls.
iAdapt? Responsive Navigation Technology
In coverage tests, Roomba out-cleans the competition thanks to iAdapt Technology, iRobot's advanced system of software and sensors. iAdapt enables Roomba to find its way around any shape or size of home, covering every area of floor multiple times.
Finds Dirt And Debris: With Dirt Detect Series 2, Roomba uses optical and acoustic sensors to find dirt and perform concentrated cleaning.
Cleans Like You Would: The Persistent Pass Cleaning Method employs a back-and-forth cleaning pattern to apply elbow grease in areas where it senses excessive dirt. Vacuums Along Wall Edges: Roomba uses Wall-Following Technology to clean right up to wall edges.
Won't Get Tangled: Anti-Tangle Technology keeps Roomba from getting stuck on cords and carpet fringe.
Won't Fall Down Stairs: Cliff-detection sensors allow Roomba to avoid stairs and other drop-offs.
Won't Damage Furniture: The molded, soft-touch bumper cushions the contact between Roomba and furniture, walls and other objects.
Pushes Past Soft Obstacles: Light-Touch Bumper Technology accurately discerns soft barriers from solid barriers, allowing Roomba to go under curtains, bed skirts and couch skirts.
What's In The Box:
1 iRobot Roomba 880
1 XLife Battery
2 Virtual Wall Lighthouses (batteries included)
1 Integrated Home Base
1 Remote Control (batteries included)
1 Extra HEPA Filter
1-Year Manufacturer's Limited Warranty On Robot, 6-Month Manufacturer's Limited Warranty On Battery
Package Dimensions: 20.5 x 5.5 x 16.5 inches
Package Weight: 12.9 lbs.
Robot Dimensions: 13.9 inches in diameter, 3.6 inches in height
Robot Weight: 8.4 lbs.
The iRobot limited warranty shall not apply to failures or problems which are caused by products or equipment not authorized by iRobot Corporation.
*Roomba runtime remains the same between recharges. Battery lifetime varies with home environment and usage. Use Roomba as directed for longest battery life. Country of Origin:China
Q: Roomba 885 與 880 有什麼不同?
A: Roomba 885 搭配原廠鋰電池 ,官方表示於正常使用下,電池壽命最長可達6年
iRobot 機器人吸塵器和LG的吸塵器抹地機比較分析
1. iRobot 的機器人吸塵器設計成熟穩定,吸塵功能較LG的商品高出數倍。
2. iRobot 具有高效率的濾網,可以當空氣清淨機使用,LG則無此功能。
3. iRobot 是模組化設計,維修更換零件或者模組方便,這部分遠遠是LG所無法比擬的。
4. iRobot的雙膠輪的設計有較高的灰塵吸附力和清掃力。
5. LG吸塵器後面底部加個抹布,其實是一個噱頭,會有嚴重的後遺症,消費者不能不謹慎了解。
6. iRobot 的零件有數百家相容性的廠商供應便宜的相容性的零件或者耗材,而LG則沒有。
在網站中有團購網極力推銷LG的機器人吸塵器,號稱功能最佳。其實以我們銷售和維修機器人吸塵器十多年的經驗來看,LG的吸塵器設計是不成熟的。為何這樣說呢? 以下是幾點補充說明
a. 吸塵器後面底部加個抹布,不是一個新個想法,而是一個失敗的想法。因為它會降低機器的吸塵功能。因為抹布髒了你必須要人工去把它取下來清洗,否則它會把髒汙抹的到處都是。
b. 一般的機器人吸塵器底部貼個雙面膠或魔鬼氈也可以裝個抹布,但全世界為何沒有人這樣做? (LG除外)。 原因是效果不彰,反而會影像吸塵效果。吸塵器的主要功能是吸塵。
c. 你要吸塵時地板必須是乾的。LG使用時居然還用濕抹布,這根本是不可行的。就好比你要掃地前先對地板灑水,這樣你還能掃地吸塵嗎?
此外像是沒有活性碳濾網的空氣清淨機,不用電的沖牙機都是玩具(沖牙機第一品牌還是waterpik),網友不必太當真。試想想,空氣清淨機主要是靠活性碳濾網進行除汙,沒有活性碳濾網的空氣清淨機還能叫清淨機嗎? 少聽館主在那裏胡扯,說甚麼隔一段時間用吸塵器把核心濾網的灰塵吸出來,這些都是笑掉人大牙的說法,專騙你的錢的。
發表者 No*********, 2015/03/28 13:05:07
發表者 gi******, 2015/03/15 11:01:23
發表者 亮亮***, 2015/03/13 14:18:07
發表者 曉田*, 2015/03/12 00:03:57
[附虛擬塔一個] iRobot Roomba 880 吸塵器機器人贈HEPA濾網6片+三腳邊刷3支+清潔刷+防撞條

相關 [附虛擬塔一個] iRobot Roomba 880 吸塵器機器人贈HEPA濾網6片+三腳邊刷3支+清潔刷+防撞條
平時我自己上網搜尋資料就還蠻喜歡看 [附虛擬塔一個] iRobot Roomba 880 吸塵器機器人贈HEPA濾網6片+三腳邊刷3支+清潔刷+防撞條
就算沒買過肯定逛過聽過看過 [附虛擬塔一個] iRobot Roomba 880 吸塵器機器人贈HEPA濾網6片+三腳邊刷3支+清潔刷+防撞條
[附虛擬塔一個] iRobot Roomba 880 吸塵器機器人贈HEPA濾網6片+三腳邊刷3支+清潔刷+防撞條
[附虛擬塔一個] iRobot Roomba 880 吸塵器機器人贈HEPA濾網6片+三腳邊刷3支+清潔刷+防撞條


Roomba 880 條型馬: 885155004710
Roomba 可提供英語、法語、德語、西班牙語、義大利語、荷蘭語、丹麥語、瑞典語、挪威語、芬蘭語、波蘭語、俄語、葡萄牙語、日語、韓語和漢語的故障診斷消息。
Roomba 的預設語言是英語。要更改預設語言:
從充電基座上取下 Roomba。
按 CLEAN 鍵啟動 Roomba,
重複按CLEAN鍵數次,直至聽到 長按 CLEAN 鍵關閉Roomba並
您要選擇的語言 確認您的語言選擇。
Roomba 800系列所採用的AeroForce系統,是對清掃系統進行了徹底的革新。AeroForce系統由三個組成部分:2把防纏繞膠刷、新的氣流加速器、以及裝備新的高效吸塵馬達的灰槽。
根據iRobot 官網的測試:AeroForce系統比之前的清掃結構可多清除掉達50%的髒汙;AeroForce系統的吸塵器功率更大,但由於AeroForce的膠刷使得工作時的噪音顯著低於之前的清掃結構。
'Roomba家族迎來了最新成員——清潔機器人Roomba 880。iRobot公司稱,Roomba 880的清除雜物效率比上一款提高了近50%。
Roomba 880與“前任”最大的不同在於它採用了強力吸塵器的方式打掃房間,而不像之前的產品採用毛刷的方式。iRobot將這種強力吸塵技術稱為“AeroForce”
iRobot公司XLife ?電池:XLife電池可提供兩倍的清洗週期,以前的Roomba的電池,雙倍之前,你可能需要更換您的Roomba的電池時間* 。
相容選擇現有附件:公司的Roomba 880是與現有的Roomba虛擬牆壁壘,虛擬牆燈塔和遙控器相容。
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發現灰塵和碎片:汙物檢測系列2 ,倫巴採用了光學和聲學感測器來尋找灰塵和進行集中清理。
不會摔下樓梯:克裡夫- 檢測感測器允許的Roomba避免樓梯等陡坡。
Roomba家族迎來了最新成員——清潔機器人Roomba 880。iRobot公司稱,Roomba 880的清除雜物效率比上一款提高了近50%。
Roomba 880與“前任”最大的不同在於它採用了強力吸塵器的方式打掃房間,而不像之前的產品採用毛刷的方式。iRobot將這種強力吸塵技術稱為“AeroForce”
NEW! IROBOT ROOMBA? 880 FULL SPECIFICATIONS The AeroForce Performance Cleaning System
AeroForce uses three technologies to deliver the ideal balance of vacuum suction and debris extraction. Ideal for homes with pets and allergy sufferers, Roomba 880 traps dirt, particulates and allergens into a sealed, HEPA-filtered bin. Here's how AeroForce works:
Tangle-Free Debris Extractors: Dual counter-rotating extractors grab and break down dirt and debris from any floor type with no hair tangles for you. Airflow Accelerator: Creates a sealed channel that concentrates airflow, drawing in more debris.
High-Efficiency Vacuum: Provides a 5X improvement in air power than previous Roomba generations.
Roomba automatically adjusts between floor types to clean carpets, tile, hardwood and laminate floors. The spinning side brush cleans dirt from wall edges.
Effortless Cleaning
Dirt happens every day. Keeping up with it just got easier.
Docks And Recharges: Roomba returns to its Home Base? to dock and recharge.
Cleans On Schedule: Roomba can be preset up to seven times per week.
XLife Battery: XLife Battery delivers twice as many cleaning cycles as previous Roomba batteries, doubling the time before you may need to replace your Roomba battery.*
Vacuums From Room-To-Room: The Virtual Wall? Lighthouse? contains Roomba in one room until it is completely vacuumed then directs Roomba to clean the next room. Can also block off-limit areas.
Compatible With Select Existing Accessories: Roomba 880 is compatible with existing Roomba Virtual Wall barriers, Virtual Wall Lighthouses and Remote Controls.
iAdapt? Responsive Navigation Technology
In coverage tests, Roomba out-cleans the competition thanks to iAdapt Technology, iRobot's advanced system of software and sensors. iAdapt enables Roomba to find its way around any shape or size of home, covering every area of floor multiple times.
Finds Dirt And Debris: With Dirt Detect Series 2, Roomba uses optical and acoustic sensors to find dirt and perform concentrated cleaning.
Cleans Like You Would: The Persistent Pass Cleaning Method employs a back-and-forth cleaning pattern to apply elbow grease in areas where it senses excessive dirt. Vacuums Along Wall Edges: Roomba uses Wall-Following Technology to clean right up to wall edges.
Won't Get Tangled: Anti-Tangle Technology keeps Roomba from getting stuck on cords and carpet fringe.
Won't Fall Down Stairs: Cliff-detection sensors allow Roomba to avoid stairs and other drop-offs.
Won't Damage Furniture: The molded, soft-touch bumper cushions the contact between Roomba and furniture, walls and other objects.
Pushes Past Soft Obstacles: Light-Touch Bumper Technology accurately discerns soft barriers from solid barriers, allowing Roomba to go under curtains, bed skirts and couch skirts.
What's In The Box:
1 iRobot Roomba 880
1 XLife Battery
2 Virtual Wall Lighthouses (batteries included)
1 Integrated Home Base
1 Remote Control (batteries included)
1 Extra HEPA Filter
1-Year Manufacturer's Limited Warranty On Robot, 6-Month Manufacturer's Limited Warranty On Battery
Package Dimensions: 20.5 x 5.5 x 16.5 inches
Package Weight: 12.9 lbs.
Robot Dimensions: 13.9 inches in diameter, 3.6 inches in height
Robot Weight: 8.4 lbs.
The iRobot limited warranty shall not apply to failures or problems which are caused by products or equipment not authorized by iRobot Corporation.
*Roomba runtime remains the same between recharges. Battery lifetime varies with home environment and usage. Use Roomba as directed for longest battery life. Country of Origin:China
Q: Roomba 885 與 880 有什麼不同?
A: Roomba 885 搭配原廠鋰電池 ,官方表示於正常使用下,電池壽命最長可達6年
iRobot 機器人吸塵器和LG的吸塵器抹地機比較分析
1. iRobot 的機器人吸塵器設計成熟穩定,吸塵功能較LG的商品高出數倍。
2. iRobot 具有高效率的濾網,可以當空氣清淨機使用,LG則無此功能。
3. iRobot 是模組化設計,維修更換零件或者模組方便,這部分遠遠是LG所無法比擬的。
4. iRobot的雙膠輪的設計有較高的灰塵吸附力和清掃力。
5. LG吸塵器後面底部加個抹布,其實是一個噱頭,會有嚴重的後遺症,消費者不能不謹慎了解。
6. iRobot 的零件有數百家相容性的廠商供應便宜的相容性的零件或者耗材,而LG則沒有。
在網站中有團購網極力推銷LG的機器人吸塵器,號稱功能最佳。其實以我們銷售和維修機器人吸塵器十多年的經驗來看,LG的吸塵器設計是不成熟的。為何這樣說呢? 以下是幾點補充說明
a. 吸塵器後面底部加個抹布,不是一個新個想法,而是一個失敗的想法。因為它會降低機器的吸塵功能。因為抹布髒了你必須要人工去把它取下來清洗,否則它會把髒汙抹的到處都是。
b. 一般的機器人吸塵器底部貼個雙面膠或魔鬼氈也可以裝個抹布,但全世界為何沒有人這樣做? (LG除外)。 原因是效果不彰,反而會影像吸塵效果。吸塵器的主要功能是吸塵。
c. 你要吸塵時地板必須是乾的。LG使用時居然還用濕抹布,這根本是不可行的。就好比你要掃地前先對地板灑水,這樣你還能掃地吸塵嗎?
此外像是沒有活性碳濾網的空氣清淨機,不用電的沖牙機都是玩具(沖牙機第一品牌還是waterpik),網友不必太當真。試想想,空氣清淨機主要是靠活性碳濾網進行除汙,沒有活性碳濾網的空氣清淨機還能叫清淨機嗎? 少聽館主在那裏胡扯,說甚麼隔一段時間用吸塵器把核心濾網的灰塵吸出來,這些都是笑掉人大牙的說法,專騙你的錢的。

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發表者 No*********, 2015/03/28 13:05:07
發表者 gi******, 2015/03/15 11:01:23
物超所值,Very good!
發表者 亮亮***, 2015/03/13 14:18:07
發表者 曉田*, 2015/03/12 00:03:57
[附虛擬塔一個] iRobot Roomba 880 吸塵器機器人贈HEPA濾網6片+三腳邊刷3支+清潔刷+防撞條

相關 [附虛擬塔一個] iRobot Roomba 880 吸塵器機器人贈HEPA濾網6片+三腳邊刷3支+清潔刷+防撞條
[附虛擬塔一個] iRobot Roomba 880 吸塵器機器人贈HEPA濾網6片+三腳邊刷3支+清潔刷+防撞條