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[106美國直購] seeedstudio - Relay Shield v3.0 - DIY Maker Open Source BOOOLE


[106美國直購] seeedstudio - Relay Shield v3.0 - DIY Maker Open Source BOOOLE


No hardware programming or No breadboard or No jumper wires or No soldering required.

A lot of Grove modules are supported (Check the list in Mobile App).

Plug-n-Play Grove Modules

Visual configuration instead of microcontroller programming.

Update automatically via cloud compiling and OTA.

Product description


For more information, please visit


Wio Link is designed to simplify your IoT development. It is an ESP8266 based open-source Wi-Fi development board to create IoT applications by virtualizing plug-n-play modules to RESTful APIs with mobile APPs.

The traditional methodology of building IoT applications consists of electronic engineering, micro-controller programming, network programming, IoT protocols handling and application development. Every step involves various hardware and software knowledge and challenges.

This time, we define a new way to create IoT applications.

BOOOLE INC. researches and develops electronic products and open source hardware with the aim of promoting MAKER SPACE and DIY practice. It makes you believe innovation and invention are no more exclusive to scientific research institutes.

Product description

The Relay Shield utilizes four high quality relays and provides NO/NC interfaces that control the load of high current. Which means it could be a nice solution for controlling devices that couldn?ˉt be directly controlled by Arduino?ˉs Digital I/Os. Standardized shield form factor enables smoothly connection with the Arduino. The shield also has four dynamic indicators show the on/off state of each relay.


Arduino/Seeeduino compatible

Standardized shape design

Working status indicators for each relay

High quality relays

Provides NO/NC interfaces


CHANNEL1 Interface:

COM1- Common pin

NC1- Normally Closed. Will be connected with COM1 when RELAY1 pin is set low and disconnected when RELAY1 is high;?

NO1- Normally Open. Will be connected with COM1 when RELAY 1 pin is set high and disconnected when RELAY1 is low;

4 Digital Pins to control 4 Relays: RELAY1-RELAY4 pins could be connected directly with Arduino pin number of 7-4, so that four relays could be easily controlled by the Arduino


Please visit our wiki page for more info about this product. It will be appreciated if you can help us improve the documents, add more demo code or tutorials. For technical support, please post your questions to our forum.

Brand Name Seeedstudio

Item model number 103030009

Item Weight 2.4 ounces

Package Dimensions 4 x 2.8 x 1.2 inches


[106美國直購] seeedstudio - Relay Shield v3.0 - DIY Maker Open Source BOOOLE

相關 [106美國直購] seeedstudio - Relay Shield v3.0 - DIY Maker Open Source BOOOLE





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[106美國直購] seeedstudio - Relay Shield v3.0 - DIY Maker Open Source BOOOLE


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